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Symbolized by the celestial twins, it is said that this sign was interested in so many pursuits that it had to double itself! The element of Gemini is air, so I envisioned my twins with an ethereal essence, in a dark and light concept. This artwork was originally created as a watercolor and colored pencil illustration.

This is a personal illustration for a series named “Celestial Letters”, inspired by zodiac signs, based on the “Illustration of the Copernican system”, by Andreas Cellarius, 1661.

Original painting size: 11,8 × 15,7 in, 2024.03

Process and original painting images:

Now the first four constellations of the Zodiac wheel are complete:

This collection is a personal project and will be available for licensing once all 12 are finished. If you’re interested, email me for details and the possibility to access the process of the remaining pieces in progress.

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